Biodiversity & Ecology
Short Database Report Open Access
Phytosociological Database of Non-Forest Vegetation in Croatia
Keywords: Croatia; phytosociology; relevé; vegetation database.
Abstract: Phytosociological investigations based on the Braun-Blanquet approach were begun in Croatia, by Ivo Horvat and Stjepan Horvatic in the first half of the 20th century. They have had many successors, most of whom were active in the period between 1960 and 1990. A considerable amount of data, both from the literature and those newly collected in the field, has been accumulated. Due to the application of this data to scientific purposes, the construction of a phytosociological database has been in progress for more than ten years. TURBOVEG software is used for storage of the data. So far, over 5,700 relevés from the territory of Croatia have been collected. Regarding the coverage of specific vegetation types, the best represented are: grassland, marshland, water, halophilous coastal vegetation and the vegetation of trampled habitats. For these vegetation types, almost all available data have been collected. This report describes the available content in the Phytosociological Database of Non-Forest Vegetation in Croatia (GIVD ID EU-HR-001).
Suggested citation:
Stancic, Z. (2012): Phytosociological Database of Non-Forest Vegetation in Croatia. – In: Dengler, J., Oldeland, J., Jansen, F., Chytrý, M., Ewald, J., Finckh, M., Glöckler, F., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Peet, R.K., Schaminée, J.H.J. [Eds.]: Vegetation databases for the 21st century. – Biodiversity & Ecology 4: 391–391. DOI: 10.7809/b-e.00180.