Department of Biology
Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology
    Division BEE  >  Biodiversity & Ecology

Biodiversity & Ecology

Journal of the Division Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology of Plants, Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology, University of Hamburg.

ISSN 1613-9801

Editors:   Dr. Manfred Finckh, Dr. Ute Schmiedel   

Contact to Editors:   editors.b-e@biodiversity-plants.de

Address: Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology of Plants (BEE), Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology, University of Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany

Available volumes:

Volume 7
(2022): Fairy Circles of the Namib Desert - Ecosystem engineering by subterranean social insects
Eds. U. Schmiedel & M. Finckh

Volume 6
(2018): Climate change and adaptive landmanagement in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions
Eds. Revermann, R., Krewenka, K.M., Schmiedel, U., Olwoch, J.M., Helmschrot, J. & Jürgens, N.

Volume 5
(2013): Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region
Eds. J. Oldeland, C. Erb, M. Finckh & N. Jürgens

Volume 4
(2012): Vegetation databases for the 21st. century
Eds. J. Dengler, J. Oldeland, F. Jansen, M. Chytrý, J. Ewald, M. Finckh, F. Glöckler, G. Lopez-Gonzalez, R. K. Peet & J. H. J. Schaminée.

Volume 3
(2010): Evolution of succulent plant families – Evolution sukkulenter Pflanzenfamilien
(also Schumannia 6),
Eds. D. Metzing & N. Jürgens.

Volume 2
(2004): Sukkulentenforschung in Afrika – Succulent plant research in Africa – Festschrift Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Ihlenfeldt (also: Schumannia 4),
Eds. J. Thiede, M. Veste, N. Jürgens & D. Metzing.

Volume 1
(2002): Proceedings of the fourth Meeting of Latin American Lichenologists – GLAL 4 (also: Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg 30-32),
Eds. A. Thell & T. Feuerer.


Biodiversity & Ecology publishes research papers as well as forum papers, reviews and reports on biodiversity, evolution, and ecology. The journal is usually published in one volume per year and comprises 200-300 pages. Biodiversity & Ecology publishes articles in English and exceptional cases in German. The layout is very attractive with pages in A4 format (30 cm × 21 cm) and printed in full-colour. From Volume 4 onwards, there is a free access online version in addition to the printed edition.

The individual volumes are mostly dedicated to specific themes and guest-edited by a team of scientists (available volumes). Proposals for new thematic volumes or individual articles should be sent to the Editors (see above).

The individual volumes of Biodiversity & Ecology (available volumes) can be ordered from the above address. Biodiversity & Ecology can further be subscribed to by exchange agreement if own scientific journals or series are available and offered in exchange. The journal is available in many scientific libraries worldwide.


  • Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg (ISSN 0344-5615): Volumes 15(1977)-30/32(2002)
  • Mitteilungen aus dem Staatsinstitut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg (ISSN 0374-9347): Volumes 11(1957)-14(1973)
  • Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg (ISSN 0344-5615): Volumes 1(1914)-10(1939)
  • Mitteilungen aus den Botanischen Staatsinstituten in Hamburg: Volumes 1901(1902)-1912(1913)

Information for authors:

After invitation by Editor or Guest Editors of a Special Volume, authors may submit papers that are prepared according to the Guidelines for authors electronically to the Editors  Dr. Manfred Finckh or  Dr. Ute Schmiedel. Contributions are normally reviewed by two peers upon whose comments the Co-ordinating Editor will decide on acceptance, necessary revisions, or rejection. Before print, authors of accepted papers will receive an electronic proof of their articles. After publication, each corresponding author will receive a pdf of his/her article as well as a free copy of the whole volume.

designed by Andrzej Suwald

Imprint  /  last update: 2023-01-13  by: Gerhard Muche search