Department of Biology
Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology
    Division BEE  >  Biodiversity & Ecology  >  Vol.7 >  Article

Biodiversity & Ecology

Institutional affiliations    Open Access 

Institutional affiliations

Norbert Jürgens

Article first published online: 15 December 2022

*Corresponding author contact: norbert.juergens@uni-hamburg.de

Biodiversity & Ecology  (Biodivers. Ecol.)

Volume 7, pages 374, November 2022
  PDF  (941 kB)

Abstract: Institutional affiliations of authors and editors.

Suggested citation:
Jürgens, N. (2022): Institutional affiliations – In: Schmiedel, U. & Finckh, M. (Eds.) Fairy circles of the Namib Desert – Ecosystem engineering by subterranean social insects. – Biodiversity & Ecology 7: 374.