Biodiversity & Ecology
Volume 2
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250 pp.
(2004): Sukkulentenforschung in Afrika - Succulent Plant Research in Africa - Festschrift Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Ihlenfeldt Also: Schumannia 4, Edited by Joachim Thiede (Hamburg), Maik Veste (Hamburg), Norbert Jürgens (Hamburg) & Detlev Metzing (Oldenburg).
(ISSN 1437-2517)
Orders, Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology of Plants, Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology, University of Hamburg, Ohnhorststr. 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany e-mail: 
Smith, G. F.: Hans-Dieter Ihlenfeldt and his contribution towards a better understanding of the southern African succulent flora | 9-13 |
Albers, F.: Dedication to Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Ihlenfeldt | 15-22 |
Ihlenfeldt, H.-D.: The Hamburg Mesembryanthemaceae Project, or: How does a young botanist find "his" group? | 23-42 |
Smith, G. F.: The rich and unique succulent flora of southern Africa | 43-50 |
Thiede, J.: Phylogenetics, systematics and classification of the Aizoaceae: a reconsideration based on molecular data | 51-58 |
Niesler, I. M. & Hartmann, H. E. K.: On the ontogeny of diadems in the genus Trichodiadema Schwantes (Mesembryanthema, Aizoaceae | 59-69 |
Hammer, S. A.: Some observations on wild and captive Mitrophyllinae (Aizoaceae), or: The virtues of patience (with description of a new species) | 71-80 |
Lavranos, J. J.: Uncarina ihlenfeldtiana (Pedaliaceae) - A new species from the Northern Malagasy Highlands | 81-92 |
Touloumenidou, T., Bakker, F. T., Marais, E. M. & Albers, F.: Chromosomal evolution interpreted from the rDNA ITS phylogeny for Pelargonium sect. Hoarea (Geraniaceae) | 93-106 |
Meve, U., Jahnke, G., Liede, S. & Albers, F.: Isolation mechanisms in the stapeliads (Apocynaceae - Asclepiadoideae - Ceropegieae) | 107-126 |
Veste, M., Gembler, K. & Jürgens, N.: Ionen- und Wasserhaushalt von Brownanthus pseudoschlichtianus (Aizoaceae) im Richtersveld (Sukkulenten-Karoo, Südafrika | 127-132 |
Oguz, I., Stöcker, B. & Jürgens, N.: Succulent plant communities and edaphical factors along a coast-inland-transect in the Sandveld of the Northern Richtersveld | 133-148 |
Jürgens, N.: A first classification of the vegetation of the Richtersveld (RSA) and directly adjacent regions of Namibia and South Africa | 149-180 |
Schmiedel, U.: The phytogeography of the obligate quartz field flora of southern Africa | 181-205 |
Herppich, W. B.: Ist der CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) eine Anpassung an Trockenstress? | 207-215 |
Hachfeld, B.: Long-term population changes of Harpagophytum procumbens (Burch.) DC. ex Meissn. (Devil's Claw) in Namibia | 217-224 |
Poppendieck, H.-H.: A new species of Cochlospermum (Cochlospermaceae) from Angola with notes on its collector Ilse von Nolde and her botanical illustrations | 225-235 |
Erb, E.: Baobabs - Living witnesses of history in Botswana and Namibia | 237-249 |
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